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Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease services offered in the greater Pasadena, CA area

Degenerative disc disease can make it impossible to enjoy daily routines and lead to severe pain. At Health Advantage Physical Medicine in Pasadena, California, the team offers customized treatments to help you lead an active, pain-free life. When you’re ready to learn more, call the office to schedule an appointment. You can also request a consultation online. 

Degenerative Disc Disease Q & A

What causes degenerative disc disease?

A small, gel-filled, rubbery disc cushions each vertebra that makes up your spine. These discs absorb shock and facilitate joint movement. 

Degenerative disc disease is not a stand-alone disease but a condition that develops as one or more spinal discs begin to break down over time. Most commonly, an age-related result of normal wear-and-tear, disc degeneration causes pain, instability, and other symptoms. 

Disc degeneration is common in the neck and lower back, as these areas of the spine go through the most motion and stress. Additional causal factors include a slipped or herniated disc.

How do I know if I have degenerative disc disease?

Some of the indications of degenerative disc disease include:

  • Continuous pain increases over time
  • Pain that worsens when you strain your back
  • Pain that worsens during movement
  • Spinal instability caused by muscle tension or muscle spasm
  • Temporarily incapacitating muscle spasm
  • Sharp, stabbing, radiating pain in your back

A simple physical exam and imaging can help determine if you have degenerative disc disease. 

What are some treatment options for degenerative disc disease?

At Health Advantage Physical Medicine, treatment strives to reduce pain and improve back function. Spinal manipulation is a common approach using hands-on techniques to restore joint alignment gently. 

Spinal decompression techniques relieve pressure on the nerves, blood vessels, and other spine components. They can also improve circulation to the spine, helping your body’s natural healing functions to move forward. 

Chiropractic treatments for degenerative disc disease do not rely on the same force as those used to treat other conditions. You can expect your sessions to include gentle pressure and slow, controlled movements. There is no pain, and most people experience almost immediate improvements in their pain level. 

Physical therapy and massage can also go a long way toward giving your body the support it needs to heal. 

If back pain is keeping you from leading a healthy and active life, or if you suspect that you may be suffering from degenerative disc disease, please reach out to Health Advantage Physical Medicine online or by phone today to take one step closer to relief.